Not only was Congress able to deliver on the President's healthy forests initiative, but House Republicans scored a terrific win when the prescription plan was approved by the House of Representatives. After the measure secured a majority, a group of Democrats switched their "no" votes to "aye" votes.
That kind of cheesy vote switching goes on in the state legislature too.
And then Steny "I really am an idiot" Hoyer complains that Republicans kept the vote open too long while the last Republicans were persuaded to support the bill. Here's the CNN report:
Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat in the House, bellowed from the floor that Republicans had abused the system.
"Just like on Election Day you can't keep the ballot open forever," he said. The Republican side of the chamber responded with boos and hisses and applause for their victory.
Shouldn't someone tell Mr. Hoyer that it was the Democrats, and the Gore campaign, that wanted to keep the Florida recount going past the statutory deadline to mine more Gore votes out ambiguous dimpled and hanging chads? Shouldn't someone tell Hoyer that it was the Democrats that got a federal judge to keep the polls open in Missouri that led to John Ashcroft's loss in 2000? If history is any guide, it is the Democratic party that believes that the ballot can be kept open forever "until every vote is counted."
Anyway, I'm pleased that the House Republicans were able to deliver. Now the focus is on the Senate.
UPDATE: Fox news and CNN are reporting that Senators Kenney and Kerry have promised to filibuster this extremely popular legislation. In the end, I think the bill will pass, but I do appreciate the decision of these men to go public with their opposition to helping seniors to obtain the drugs they need. Their actions will not only fail, but will permanently damage the Democratic Party's ability to frighten seniors away from voting Republican.